

Wigton Phase I

Project Summary

The scheme involved the demolition of the Former Hopes Auction Mart and the construction of 48 residential dwellings in the market town of Wigton, Cumbria

The first phase development of new house and bungalows form part of the two phased scheme totalling 110 dwellings.

Our Approach

Due to historical issues with flooding from overland surface water flows which affected the previous development, existing overland flood flows were diverted on the boundary of the site.
  • During discussions with Cumbria County Council, it was decided that these flows should be intercepted by a field drain running through the rear gardens of the dwellings.
  • After which they were diverted by a series of underground pipework and utilising an existing outfall to discharge to the nearby watercourse.
  • In order to further reduce the risk of flooding to the site the drainage was designed in accordance with the SuDS manual to meet the requirements of Cumbria County Council and United Utilities.
  • The proposed surface water flows from the development were restricted to greenfield runoff rates and attenuated in a series of buried box culvert structures and above ground SuDS basin before being discharged to the watercourse.
  • The basin created a large area of public open green space within the site helping to maintain a rural feel to the development.
  • Parking bays within the site were also designed as permeable paving to help improve the water quality being discharged to the watercourse.

Project Testimonial

 have worked with Portland Consulting on Hopes Auction since 2018. Portland Consulting have been instrumental in the delivery of Hopes Auction, providing a high level of service.

Hopes Auction has often been a complex site with many obstacles, Portland Consulting make it easy to work collaboratively, addressing issues that arise, proactively finding a solution.
I have found Portland to be reliable, helpful & professional throughout the project responding to any requests in a timely manner and often attending meetings at short notice.

Hopes Auction, over years has involved many changes in staffing however Portland Consulting have a provided a consistent approach, with Stephen being involved since the beginning. Stephen’s knowledge and experience of the project has been of great value and he is a testament to the success of the project.

I have been pleased with the service Portland Consulting have provided on Hopes Auction, overall I have enjoyed working with Stephen on Hopes Auction and would welcome the opportunity to work with Portland Consulting again on future projects.

Kerry Dryden : Senior Development and Delivery Manager
Home Group


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