

Bowland View

Project Summary

Bowland View provided much needed extra care accommodation for people aged 55 and above. The development consists of 8 bungalows and 64 apartments.

With additional funding provided from Homes England, Bowland View represented the client’s first Extra Care scheme in High Bentham.

Our Approach

The main technical challenge on site was the existing site levels, a situation complicated by the presence of trees which the design team had made a conscious effort to retain.
  • Site levels presented challenges for the drainage and how the attenuation could be designed to reside below a steeply sloping road
    To reduce the depth of the drainage and therefore the cost a novel two-stage attenuation was designed.  This comprised of two separate sections of oversized attenuation, one higher than the other.
  • This system allowed both attenuation sections to be relatively flat, maximising the storage capacity, while minimising the depth of the system as a whole.
  • Visibility was an issue at the site entrance onto Robin Lane due to existing building lines and parked cars.
  • Early discussions were entered into with NYCC Highways and site meetings organised to discuss the issues at hand whilst looking for solutions.
  • Subsequent traffic surveys were undertaken to establish actual traffic speeds.  The results of the surveys allowed appropriate visibility splays to be specified and a solution was agreed to narrow Robin Lane to enable the required visibility splays to be achieved.
  • With regards to the discharge location of the surface water – this needed to be agreed with both NYCC Highways and NYC LLFA.
    The discharge location was an off-site culverted water course and the proposal was to utilise the highway drainage within Robin Lane that already made connections with the watercourse.
  • Discussions with the relevant parties along with providing CCTV and hydraulic calculations allowed the approval of this solution.


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